HAPPY NEW YEAR! Why you ask?! Well today is Ethiopian New Year-it is 2002 there today! We are 7 years ahead of their calendar and a couple months different too during the year. We got our first "baby gift" today it was from my mom Karen-and it is so cute-see picture. It was so neat to actually get something for the baby-it makes it so much more real! We reviewed our home study that our social worker wrote up-she was so quick in getting it back to us. We had to re-do a couple financial forms and are finishing these up as I went down to part-time at work, but this next week she should be getting them to ACGI to notarize and then we should be ready to be on the waiting list for a baby girl ages 0-12 months.
Our caseworker said that the wait list for baby girls is around 40 families, where as for baby boys is only around 15! Guess more people want daughters. After we are on the waiting list for our referral of our daughter there is about a 8-10 month waiting period to actually get a referral. This seems like forever and yet is is almost the same time-frame as a regular pregnancy. :) We are hoping to be able to travel by next summer BEFORE the Ethiopian Courts close for a couple months-sometime around aug.-Oct....during this time, nothing can be done and we will all just be sitting here waiting to go get her-pray we get our referral FAST!
LOVE that name- our oldest is Abigail- source of JOY!!!! And she was a smart woman in the Bible too!!!!