We are so excited to say that we now have our entire Dossier ready to go. Adam is droping it off tonight (along with a VERY large check) :)in Portland at our agency All God's Children (AGCI). They will add a copy of the noterized home study to it and maybe, just maybe, by this Friday, we will have a number on the wait list for a baby girl!
For those who don't know-as I didn't until we got into this process, here is what a Dossier is:
Dossier: When used in the context of adoption, this term refers to a set of appropriately authenticated and translated legal documents which are used in international adoption cases to process the adoption of a child in its own country by the adoptive parents, or for the adoptive parents to obtain the legal custody or guardianship of the child in the foreign court, so the child can be brought by the adoptive parents to the United States for adoption.
Zach will OFFICIALLY be ending his can drive at the end of this week-and we will then give a grand total for what he earned-if you still want to give him cans during this adoption process, please feel free-he loves it and we can put it toward our expenses! If you have cans for us still-call for me to pick them up, or drop them off on our porch-and thanks so much!
Attached is a picture of our Dossier ready to go-yes LOTS of paperwork!
Also, is a picture of Cassidy's dolls-she keeps them in her room together and says they are her and her new sister-very cute!