June 17 - 24, 2011 |
Within a half hour of arriving at the Ranch House, Zachary & Nathan had captured a Lizard |
Isn't he cute! |
Seble even thought it was interesting |
"Hey! Bring him back here!" |
We even found a tick |
We tried to "corral" the kids but it didn't work too well |
Camp Nurses
for Session 1, Camp 1
Amber & Sarah |
Noah in the pool, ALL to himself! |
The pool belonged to the Stutzmans & Hohenshelts.... |
Logan skips the diving board and heads straight to the high diving board |
Noah off the diving board |
Cassidy ready to jump off the high board |
Jacobs turn off the high board |
Zachary's turn off the high board |
Amber posing as the life guard |
Logan's last jump in |
The first of the 720 campers for the week arrive.
The campers exit their bus and head through the gauntlet of camper staff yelling and hollering.
Fun scene to watch as the staff get the campers all hyped up for the fun filled week! |
Stutzman & Hohenshelt kids pose for a picture in an original
Oregon Trail wagon that had been refurbished. |
Seble, Cassidy & Logan |
Amber & Cassidy playing ping-pong before Amber had to leave to check in campers medications |
Jacob getting ready to play pool |
Amber, Sarah & Maree working hard at organizing all the campers medical forms |
Logan at bat on the Wiffle Ball Field playing ball with a few of the early campers that arrived |
Noah up to bat on the Wiffle Ball Field |
Noah ended up hitting the wiffle ball out of the park. HOME RUN!!!!
(the guy on the other side of the fence is chasing down the ball) |
Annual photo on the wagon in front of the Iron Kettle (Dining Hall) |
Each group of campers had to come up with a team theme and get dressed for some competitive games.
Hawaiian Girls with Straw Hats |
Hawaiian Grass Skirt Boys |
Far back is the Purple Butterflies (all equipped with wings) |
This was the Bride and Bridesmaid Team
All in Bridesmaid dresses and one in a Wedding dress! |
The Smurfs
They painted their bodies blue |
The Too-Too Group |
The Black Garbage Bag Shirts (and some shorts) |
The Ladybugs
(with antennas) |
Pirate Head Bandannas with matching Red Shirts |
Team Lime shirts |
Painters Group
All wearing clear plastic painter coveralls |
Grass Skirt / Multi-colored shirt Team |
Wonder Women Team
Picture doesn't show it but each girl had
a set of golden wings cut out on their chest
Just like Wonder Women - Pretty good outfits |
This Team Won!!!!
The Intel Blue Man Group |
Competitive game of Dodge-Ball |
Here the team would have one driver in one of the Ridge Runners.
He would drive while the rest of the team would push the runner around the orange cones and back to the starting line. Once they got back, the driver would jump out, another driver from another team jump in and the new team start pushing. This was a combined team competition. |
It was getting warm. It was time to get back into the pool.
Dad & Seble enjoying the water |
Seble floating solo |
Seble clinging to the pool wall |
Seble swimming with big brother Jacob |
Noah & Zachary looking right into the sun, posing for a picture.
Today is Noah's 8th Birthday!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Cassidy & Logan |
Bad pictures due to the shutter speed being SO slow.
Anyway, this is the Medical Team heading out to the air field.
The First LIFE FLIGHT of the week. |
The white streak in the sky, upper left, is life flight coming into the camp. |
Life Flight above the Ranch House as they circled the camp trying to figure out where they were suppose to land. |
The middle white light is the Life Flight Helicopter. The other light is a cars lights on bright as the air strip lights were not working correctly. Only three lights came on which made it difficult for the pilots to know where they were suppose to land. |
Amber at the Med-ex Trailer (Medical Express Trailer) getting ready to hand out medications to the campers that needed their medication. |
Famous Ridge Runners -
Not sure what they plan on doing with them as they have been replaced with the new go-cart circuit.
Noah |
Zachary |
with Seble in a distant third |
Logan |
Logan and his imagination of steering a horse drawn covered wagon |
Noah |
Noah applying the break with Zachary & Logan as passengers |
Ended up finding a baby bird on the side of the Sports Center.
Must have fallen out of its nest. Hope the poor guy makes it! |
The Washington Family Ranch sign just outside the Sports Center |
Other side of the sign - Washington Family Sports Center with the Sports Center in the background. |
The last game of the messy games they brought out the flour, shaving cream or whipping cream and water. Some got pretty messy!
Here Noah is in the middle wearing a blue shirt. |
Zachary in green & Nathan in red, chasing the girl in blue that we met and nailed her with a hand full of shaving cream on her neck. She got revenge with the boys though. |
Zachary & Noah taking a break on the fence during the Messy Games |
Pedestrians, WATCH-OUT!!!!!
Noah & Amber |
The new Go-Cart circuit they just finished. They were getting ready to pour the concrete the week we left the end of March. They then built the whole garage section in that time too. They completed A LOT of work in time for the first week of summer camp. Nicely Done! |
Mom, Seble & Zachary waiting on the Medical Golf Cart while waiting to drive the go-carts |
This night, the kids found a bull frog in the front yard of the Ranch House. Nice find! |
Kermit, is that you? |
This particular night was the Carnival. They had it all set-up and turned out the lights as they distracted the campers with someone on the zip line at night. After he landed in the water, they flipped the carnival lights on and ALL the campers came running into the carnival. It was SO fun. It actually felt so much like a carnival with all the people, the music blaring loud, games, snow cones, popcorn, cotton candy. It was a BLAST! |
Skeet Ball |
Crazy Driver |
Chicken Chucker |
Bozo Toss |
Barrel Race |
Noah & Nathan competing in the barrel race |
Even had the traditional Sledge Hammer Swing to hit the bell at the top |
Barn Yard Launch |
Water Balloon Throw
After winning tickets at other games, once you get so many tickets, you get to pick someone to sit behind the screen and you get to throw water balloons at them. |
Can you guess who was the lucky one to sit behind the screen? |
Even though it was 10:30 at night and the water balloons were cold, it was fun to get involved. |
This was Cassidy & Zachary's Sunday School Teacher a few years back from Salem Evangelical Church. She was a Young Life Leader and just happened to have her group at this weeks session. |
Bottle Toss |
Jacob & Connor trying to ring a bottle |
Logan tossing a ring.
This particular picture, that yellow ring was the one that actually made it on a bottle. |
Noah's turn |
Cowboy Wrestling |
This looked like so much fun. Never seen it done before but so simple. All campers had fun on this one. They even had a guy in his electric cart go. It was Great! |
Nathan & Noah's attempt at "Cowboy Wrestling" |
Ball Bingo |
Cowpie Fly
Pretty funny - they have Frisbee's in the shape of a cowpie. Had to toss them into a wooden barrel. Amber & Zachary did pretty good! |
Pie Eating Contest |
Horseshoes |
Traditional Sack Race |
The famous DUNK TANK
Campers collected tickets and got to dunk their leader |
Jeramy Williams - Keizer Young Life Leader getting into the Dunk Tank |
Jeramy going down |
Jeramy after being dunked with his students laughing. What a sport! |
They even had the center stage with music playing |
Cotton Candy anyone? |
Was that good, even at such a late hour :-) |
Logan enjoying a bag of popcorn |
Cassidy & Mom in line for a Snow Cone |
Logan attempting the BarnYard Launch to get more tickets |
Now Zachary's turn |
Jacob launching a cow |
Cassidy with a great shot |
Noah aiming up his Dalmatian pup |
High flying pup |
The actors got everyone to sit down and on the count of three, showed them a magic trick.
As everyone counted to three, the lights went out and we got to watch a Firework show! |
Amber and Seble wiped out |
Pool Party
A large SPLASH party |
Another competition between teams - this was a treasure hunt.
Many things were in the pool - they had to jump in and collect all they could. |
While watching the pool party, people started to look behind us. We turned to see these clouds.
This picture DOES NOT show justice as I was told because of the lens filter I had on my camera, it took away the colors. The large white cloud above Logan's head, top of the mountain, was complete multi colors. It was just like the Northern Lights in Alaska. It was AMAZING. Still not sure what caused it. |
This particular picture shows a bit more color but still DOES NOT show justice as to how COOL it really was. |
Picnic lunch outside today. Medical Team got to get our food from the kitchen. Awesome Kitchen! |
Zachary coming down the Zip Line |
Zachary just touching down on the water |
Nice landing Zach |
Seble in her Bikini. |
Playing on the Beach |
Logan on the trampoline in the lake |
Cassidy attempting the log roll |
Zachary jumping onto the Blob (Burrito)
You crawl to the end and the next person that jumps on ends up launching you into the lake |
Zachary ends up catching another bull frog near the Blob |
Mom & Seble in the pool |
Western Night
Hannah getting Amber's hair ready |
The "Western" Stutzmans |
Noah & Nathan |
Noah & Nathan act out a fighting scene in front of all the campers |
Posing in front of the trailer fold-out of the western town scene. |
Amber & Sarah |
The Hohenshelt Family |
Zachary and Miss Abra-Ca-Debra |
Zachary and "Very Long Name Smith" but you can call him Mica |
Kids enjoying the Western Dinner together at one table |
Logan & Mom, Square Dancing through the ages that night |
Top of Communication Hill looking at the new Junior High Camp, Creekside |
Looking at the High School Camp, Canyon
(Notice the three small people near the tree on the trail below) |
Same picture of Canyon but at the location of where those three people were at |
Ranch House (white building) |
View of the trail up the ridge of Communication Hill |
Zachary going up on the swing |
Down he goes |
Spencer, Hannah & Sarah coming down on the swing |
Amber, Logan & Adam |
Even Logan got to go this time. |
Going up |
Coming down....Weeeeeeee |
Hannah & Cassidy coming down the Zip Line |
Touch down on the water |
Another nice landing by both |
Hannah & Cassidy ready for another ride on the Zip Line |
Cassidy in front of Creeksides Rope Coarse
Very neat ropes coarse. It's all tracked in and you get to go up three stories. |
The starting point of the ropes coarse. Start on the second floor of the cabin. Pretty neat set-up |
Creekside Jr. High Camps Water slide |
Muddy Station (dining hall) |
Cassidy up on the Canyon's Rope Coarse |
Adam with Noah transferring from one cable to the next |
Adam & Noah on the "bridge" section |
Cassidy crossing "the swaying log" |
Zachary starting the ropes coarse |
Amber starting the ropes coarse |
Logan playing with one of the staffers on top of the ropes coarse |
Staffer playing with Logan below.
Here she hauls up his noodle he tied to her rope. |
Cassidy crossing the "net bridge" |
Noah crossing the "net bridge" |
Cassidy on the "tight wire" |
Mom & Zachary crossing "the swaying log" |
Hannah, Spencer & Nathan starting the ropes coarse |
Zachary & Amber crossing the "net bridge" |
Cassidy making the final cross to the last platform |
Noah making his last crossing too. At this point, he started loosing it. It's pretty wobbly and he was done. |
Zachary making it to the last platform |
Mom making it to the last platform with Sarah in the background trying to cross the "tight wire" |
Dress-up Dinner
This is suppose to be our dress up dinner. Due to running late on the Ropes Coarse, we were lucky enough to make it back to the Iron Kettle (dining hall) for dinner. O'well. Maybe next year it will be planned were we have more time to go back to change. |
Dr. Liz was one of the Doctors there. She fell and badly sprained her thumb and scraped up her knee. She thought it may be broken. Jacob & Paramedic Larry drew this up where she fell along with a memorial of dying iris's. Glad Dr. Liz is okay! |
This time they sent an airplane Life Flight. It came flying straight over the Ranch House.
Pretty Cool |
The Life Flight plane is taking off heading directly for us.
(had to video instead of taking a picture) |
The Stutzman Family on the Ranch House steps |
2011 Camp
Medical Team & Family |