Tonight was a good night surrounded by family and friends as we celebrated a hero-my husband Adam and little Kaden the boy that he saved a few weeks ago in front of our house. Kaden who is 7, was riding his bike down a steep hill right outside our house when he lost control, fell and somehow lodged the break handle into his groin, nicking his femoral artery and tearing several veins in a 6 in gouge. He was loosing blood very quickly as he tried to walk down our hill. My kids saw him and went and got Adam and Adam put direct pressure on it, administered first aid, called 911, screamed for help from people at the park, and waited 20 minutes until the ambulance arrived-which at that point Kaden was starting to loose consciousness and had lost a lot of blood.
Kaden was taken up to Silverton Hospital where the Life Flight helicopter was waiting and flown to Doernbecher's in Portland where he underwent a little over 3 hours of surgery, stayed in ICU for a few days, got a blood transfusion and was then released home. He is currently missing the first month of school, but will head back at the end of September after he is off blood thinners. He is up and running now! Praise God for having Adam there at the right time and that Kaden is healing great!! So proud of my husband! What an adventure! Here is the news article that ran in the paper a week or so ago-
Tonight Adam received the "Citizens Lifesaving Award" from the Silverton Fire Department and then later in the evening, also received the "Lifesaving Award" from the City of Silverton Police Department. What a night! We had a great time visiting with our family and friends as well as Kaden's family and their friends. It was really a special night!
Tonight, Adam was also interviewed by Fox 12 News and the story will show tonight on the 10 o'clock news! Awesome! Also, here is the news story that ran on the news tonight:
Fire Chief, Bill Miles, giving Adam the "Citizen Lifesaving Award" on behalf of
the Silverton Fire Depart. |
Fox 12 News Crew who did Adam's Story for Fox 12 News |

Kaden looking on as Adam gets the award |
Adam and Kaden's parents, Sarah & Ron, discuss what happened on that night |

Princess Seblina joined in the festivities!
The Parvin Family with us |
Adam, Kaden (Tater) and his dad Ron |
Friends Kristin & Matt |
Officer Hein & Officer Barnett |
The Mayor and City Counselors applaud as Adam walks up for his
"Lifesaving Award" from City of Silverton Police Department. |
After the award, Adam got a standing ovation! |
Adam Visiting with the Firemen from that night |
Adam & Kaden |