We wanted to send out a final reminder to all you for our silent auction and dessert night for our adoption. We are now less than a week away and are very excited about our night! Please try and come if you can-it will be lots of fun! We have over seven hundred items to auction off which many of them we put into about one hundred thirty baskets, plus a bunch of single items....we have such a variety and lots of great things. We have small things like books and CD's and larger things like cabin stays and camps-so don't feel like you have to spend a lot of money just to come! We would love to just be able to visit with people and catch up! People have been very generous in their donations and we will forever be grateful. We are selling dessert cheap and it will really be casual so bring kids, family and friends! Invite anyone that you think would come-we really want people there to buy this great stuff!
On a side note, we are getting very close to getting our referral -we are now "unofficially" number SEVEN due to the referrals that have went out this week! We are so excited that it is getting close to knowing who our baby girl is-what she looks like and how old she is (we know she will be under a year though).
We at this point will have to take 2 trips there one will be 2-4 weeks after we get the referral and then again 6-8 weeks later to bring her home. I can't see how I will go there and hold her for a week to leave her there-I don't know if I can do it, but know I have to. Plus leaving my kids here twice is not gonna be fun, but our daughter will be there and we have to get her home, so we will do whatever we need to.
Pray for us as we get close that things will fall into place and as we prepare for this big transition. Thanks guys-hope to see you Thursday!
Adam and Amber
Thursday April 22nd 6-8pm
Emmanuel Bible Church
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