THIS IS THE POSTER THAT WE MADE FOR THE AUCTION-THANKS TO THE GREAT EXAMPLE OF THE ROGER'S FAMILY ONE THAT THEY DID! I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting the outcome of our silent auction! So, here is a recap of the night for you.....first of all we have to say that we were COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY at the generosity of each and every one of you that either donated something, brought a dessert, came and helped out or just came to bid! We are SO thankful that we have so much love and support in our lives! We had more than enough dessert there to feed people and ended up bringing a lot home, freezing it, giving it away and selling it at the end of the night. I have to shout out a BIG thank you to my mom who made over 20 desserts FROM SCRATCH to bring to sell at the auction-they were a big hit! She also made about 11 huge blankets and put togehter themed baskets to go with her blankets to sell at the auction and people loved them! I love you mom!! I also want to say a special thank you to Kris Thomas, Allison Mayer, Kristin Boddington and Sarah Hohenshelt for the sign making, bookmark making, set up, clean up, putting baskets together, sorting items, and helping me in general keep my sanity through the last 3 months of working on this!! I love you guys!
Some more examples of the generosity we received are: There were people that wrote checks above and beyond what they won, dropped a $20 on the table for a piece of cake and left it for us, bid a fair price on the items so that they would at least sell for a decent amount, helped us set up ALL day then clean up HALF the night afterwards-we are so thankful to each and every one of you-there is just no way to say thank you enough! We felt your love that night in a huge way! We will always remember your generous spirits and how you helped be a part of bringing our daughter home! We can't wait to tell Abigail how much everyone pulled together to get her home. You will forever be a part of this journey and we once again thank you!
So we still have a few things that didn't sell that we have listed on-line, but THE GRAND TOTAL FOR THE AUCTION IS AN AMAZING: $6,200!!! THE LORD HAS BLESSED US INDEED!SO Here are some pictures of the night-we had a great turnout!

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"Although it may not always be obvious to us, there seems to be one distinct moment when God begins a new story in each of our lives. He writes words on our hearts that long to be spoken and strain to be lived out. Then with His own great hand, He begins to write the script. Experience by experience through seemingly ordinary days, He supernaturally orders our lives. Only when we look back and reflect on what appeared to have been the ordinary events of life does it become clear what a miracle the Lord has performed." Jan Beazely
Wow!! That is awesome!!! I was so glad we could be there....I was also rather shocked that we won all but one of the things we bid on. Yikes! We are enjoying all of our goodies and looking forward to hearing news of Baby Abigail soon! :)
That is fabulous! God is so good.
That is GREAT news!! Our church is so small we wouldn't be able to have much success with a silent auction (unless a different church helped us maybe. who knows). 6,200 is awesome!!
My God Given Mission Field