We got an update that the scabies have cleared up and we hope that we will have some pictures of her with in the next week to week and a half from families traveling over. The last picture we have of her is at 10-1/2 weeks, so we don't even know what to expect when we see her picture-she will have changed SO much!
We are preparing to leave in now just 4-1/2 weeks! We are excited, nervous and just ready to see her! We were approached by a lady at church to set up a donation area at church for orphanage donations that we can take over. We were very touched by this. A co-worker also persuaded setting up one at my job, so we did that. God is so good and now we just have to figure out how to pack all this! We may have to pay extra for totes to take with us, so we are also taking donations of cash to help pay the $50-200 fee per tote that we need to take over there. We have a donation letter from our adoption agency-but depending on the mood of the airline worker that checks us in-she can either choose to waive the fees, or charge us-so we will pray for happy people that morning! Continue to pray for Abby to continue growing, stay healthy and for our trip-that everything falls into place and that we have peace about traveling as we haven't flown for over 14 years!!!! We are pathetic! :-) Thanks guys! Love you all
It's getting so close to travel time!! Prayers continuing for you and Abigail! If you need more donations, let me know....I can try to round stuff up here. :)