Missions Trip Giveaway
{My Crazy Adoption Missions Giveaway}
You may have dreamed of going on a missions trip, but raising money, resources, time, and maybe a little fear have kept you from stepping out in faith and living the God dream. This is YOUR opportunity to travel to Africa and make a difference in the life of an orphan. I’m jumping for joy for you… I don’t want you to miss out on this incredible opportunity.
The party starts today!! I am giving away 1 Missions Trip Scholarship to Ethiopia for my trip February 17-26th with Visiting Orphans!!!!!!!! YES YES YES you heard me right. I’m giving away a missions trip!!!!!!!! WHOOOHOOOOO I can hardly stand it!!! God gave me the dream and I’m scared to death (literally my hands are shaking writing this). Of course, I will need your help and participation to make this dream come true. My Crazy Adoption need to sell a minimum of 183 Simply Love tees to scholarship 1 winner to Ethiopia! (value $3,100.00) You have the opportunity starting today to purchase any Simply Love tee – 5 new designs and enter the Missions Trip Giveaway!!!
1 Simply Love Tee = 1 Entry
You can buy 1, 5, or 20 tees… its all up to you!!!! Here’s what’s even more exciting, you can buy a tee and enter a family member, a friend, a co-worker… anyone who has been dreaming about going on a missions trip!!!!!! Also, you can buy a tee just to help us reach the goal. In fact, the more tee shirts you purchase, the more orphans you will impact. If we raise above and beyond the missions trip scholarship… I will donate the funds to Project 61 and Visiting Orphans Ministry, who impact orphans living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Korah Dump. My dream is for My Crazy Adoption Blog and you, the beautiful bloggers to sponsor children off the dump and provide an education!! Project 61 are making dreams come true for so many children in Ethiopia, changing lives, and making a difference for eternity.
If your heart right now is pounding and your hands are sweaty, I want to challenge you to DO IT AFRAID!!!! I waited 42 years to go on my first missions trip, so I understand about being afraid. If you are afraid, that’s OK… just do it afraid and God will do the rest through you! We are ALL called to simply love. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction (James 1:27)
“Dare to Dream” is a challenge. A challenge that is as bold and as strong as it sounds. A challenge that goes out to every person young or old… NO MATTER WHAT they have walked through in the past or what they may be facing today. It rings out loudly and whispers softly to encourage, to motivate, to beckon …. I DARE YOU!!! I DARE YOU TO DREAM!!” (James River DFL 2010)
My Crazy Adoption Giveaway starts today 10/6/10 and ends 10/28/10. God has already picked the winner!! He knows who will be joining us in Ethiopia. Please commit to praying for this project and asking the Lord to guide, direct, provide and fulfill His purpose. Help me spread the word about the missions trip giveaway – on your blogs, Twitter, FB and email blasts!! You can add the 2 giveaway button on your blogs, too. The key- visiting an orphan can turn into radical hospitality… ADOPTION!!
Are you ready to dream with me? Will you leave, in the comments, a special prayer or verse for this project and commit to praying for everyone who participates in the giveaway.
God can do anything, you know— far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest DREAMS! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us. (Ephesians 3:20 MSG)
Giveaway Mini Rules:
I’m just one crazy mom that blogs with a purpose, so I needed to set some ground rules and add official terms and conditions.
1. To enter this giveaway you must purchase a Simply Love Tee shirt on My Crazy Adoption Store starting 10/6/10 through 10/28/10. 1 entry per shirt… the amount of entries is up to you!! You can enter to win… even if you are already signed up for one of my mission trips in 2011. You must add “MISSION TRIP GIVEAWAY” at Personalize Your Product form located on each Products Page. However, I receive notification for every order and you will automatically be entered to win giveaway with purchase. (no worries:) I will personally contact the winner and two alternatives.
2. Payment for missions trip will go directly to Visiting Orphans for the winner’s scholarship prize. Additional funds raised will be donated to Project 61, Visiting Orphans Ministry, as well as donations for orphans.
3. The winner will be randomly selected (drawing will be video taped) on 11/2/10 to announce the winner. I will also select two alternative winners.
4. To save every penny, shirts will be ordered in bulk after the giveaway ends. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
5. No refunds. Exchanges available if size in stock.
This is soooo big, I have the official Terms and Conditions located at My Crazy Adoption Store.
My Crazy Adoption Giveaway (Share the News!!)
Please post my giveaway & button on your blogs, Twitter, FB, and email blasts. I need your help to make this dream come true.
Prize: Mission Trip to Ethiopia, February 17-26, 2011
Prize value: $3100
Number of winners: 1
Number of Tee shirts to sell: 183
Ending date of the giveaway: 10/28/10
Where it can be won: My Crazy Adoption Blog (US only)
The prize is from: http://www.mycrazyadoption.com/
To enter this giveaway, you can: purchase a tee shirt at My Crazy Adoption Store
Button to Share: Just copy & paste
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