About 8 months ago, today, a baby girl came into this world-alone, very small, cold and without a family to call her own. We are so blessed that this baby was, from the beginning of time, chosen to be part of OUR family! We can't believe that she is 8 months old today! We have been home a month now and she is beginning to adjust well, and seems to be becoming attached to us and is beginning to sleep better (only waking 1-2 times each night). We are beyond blessed by this baby girl and can't believe that we get the privilege of raising her! She is an amazing miracle and we thank God that He made us her parents! These are two of the referral pictures that we got way back in July-seeing them was one of the most amazing and surreal experiences of my life-all I could think was "God is SO SO good!" And Yes He is! She was only about 4lbs in this first picture and in the rest-about 6lbs....you would never know that by looking at her now-she was so sick, dehydrated , near death and unhealthy then and is so strong, healthy and active now! I think every single day of her birth mom and wish that I knew the story of who she was, what she looked like and what her history/story is, but I know that we will never know this side of heaven what it is. I am just so thankful every single day that she made the choice she did and that we can call her our own. We love you bunches baby girl! You have added so much joy to our lives!

What a beautiful picture of restoration and healing :) Praise God she is doing well.