But the cutest gift and the sweetest I have to say was a home made card that Cassidy made for me-you can see it below but when I read it-I got teary eyed! Never question whether or not you should adopt or whether or not your kids will be on board with you-it all works out! They love Seble dearly-each one and they are all bonding very well with her. Here is what the card said:
Dear Mother, You are the best mother in the world! You can cook the best dinner! You have let me dress Seble and let me feed her. Ad the most important thing is that you let us adopt when I really needed a sister. Thank you!! Love Cassidy
We were excited to get in the mail today-Seble's US Citizenship certificate-we are still going to get her an official US birth certificate, but it was nice to see in writing that she IS a citizen! She is doing well, bonding well and is a pretty happy baby-we are all having a lot of fun with her! She is just about to crawl forward, but scoots all over the room backwards on her tummy. She is babbling more "ba ba" "da da" and is sleeping pretty well-wakes 1-2 times a night. Unless it is "daddy's night" then she usually sleeps 8 hours straight! HaHa Her hair is coming in so fast-and she had a clear physical and labs from the doctors-so she is doing great!!!
What a wonderful Valentine's Day. I love all the pictures. So colorful! And I love the new design to your page, very cheerful and bright. Your family is absolutely beautiful. The (main blog) picture is stunning! Have a wonderful day. I know it will be filled with love and hugs! :-)